Hortifruti Natural da Terra

E-commerce Hortifruti Natural da Terra

The first fruit and vegetable producer in Brazil, Hortifruti Natural da Terra, migrates to e-commerce in less than four months.

Hortifruti Natural da Terra is the largest retailer specialized in fresh products in Brazil and has more than 70 stores in four states. Offering fruits and vegetables, the business model adopted by the company, focused on physical stores, underwent a major transformation during the Covid-19 pandemic . Due to the impacts caused by social isolation, the food and beverage segment had to adapt to a rapid adhesion to e-commerce , and in this way, the brand accelerated the digitization of its operation .

The Hortifruti Natural da Terra e-commerce was developed with the objective of bringing differentiation and supplying a new sales demand in the fresh food sector . Operating in a complex and flexible architecture and leaving the marketplace, the implementation of the new platform brought an increase in the volume of data and algorithms , in which the company started to use such information to improve its services .


Record delivery time for a project
Delivery slot
Same day delivery
Pickup in store
Whatsapp service
Integration with Adyen

Check out a preview of the Hortifruti Natural da Terra e-commerce

Print Site Hortifruti Natural da Terra

Main features of Hortifruti Natural da Terra e-commerce

Projeto Hortifruti Natural da Terra
Projeto Hortifruti Natural da Terra

Record delivery time for a project

Due to the high demand for online shopping due to social isolation, the company needed to migrate to a new digital platform quickly. Through a flexible path, but delivering a robust architecture, in 3 months and 3 weeks of execution, the project’s MVP was reached.


Technique that consists of writing an application in web language so that it behaves like a “native” application on the cell phone or computer, the PWA (Progressive Web App) is installable and, because it uses a pre-cache, it works even when it is offline.

PWA Hortifruti Natural da Terra
PWA Hortifruti Natural da Terra
Headless Hortifruti Natural da Terra
Headless Hortifruti Natural da Terra


The Hortifruti Natural da Terra B2C e-commerce was developed with Adobe Commerce’s headless frontend technology, which allows the use of several languages in its development, omnichannel communication and integration between business systems with APIs. In addition, it ensures greater flexibility, agility and security in the way information is displayed.

Delivery slot

Such functionality allows the customer to choose the best date and time for their purchase to be delivered.

Slot de Entrega Hortifruti Natural da Terra
Slot de Entrega Hortifruti Natural da Terra
Entrega no mesmo dia Hortifruti Natural da Terra
Entrega no mesmo dia Hortifruti Natural da Terra

Same day delivery

Another facility in delivery is the possibility for the customer to receive their purchases on the same day. Buying within a certain time, the Hortifruti Natural da Terra customer can take advantage of this functionality.

Pickup in store

Buy online and withdraw in physical store?! It’s also possible! Ensuring convenience for the consumer, who can pick up their purchase at the chosen store , the pickup store is one of the features of Hortifruti Natural da Terra’s e-commerce.

Retirada na Loja Hortifruti Natural da Terra
Retirada na Loja Hortifruti Natural da Terra
Atendimento via Whatsapp Hortifruti Natural da Terra
Atendimento via Whatsapp Hortifruti Natural da Terra

Whatsapp service

It is in Hortifruti Natural da Terra’s DNA to have close contact with its customers in physical stores, and this feature was also incorporated into the brand’s digital channels, which reached 17% penetration, one of the highest rates in the industry for this type of business. One of the pillars of this communication is service via Whatsapp , which allows you to monitor orders closely and also maintain a close relationship with consumers.

Integration with Adyen

Adyen is a unified commerce solution that allows retailers to integrate their payments from all stores and channels into a single system. Thus, the entire payment operation can be managed with a single contract, and with consolidated reports. In this way, you can gain a single view of the buyer across all channels, with incredibly rich data insights into their behavior and preferences.

Integração Adyen Hortifruti Natural da Terra
Integração Adyen Hortifruti Natural da Terra

Find out the Hortifruti Natural da Terra e-commerce

Mockup Site Hortifruti Natural da Terra