
Madeiranit e-commerce

Madeiranit’s new e-commerce, focused on user experience, guarantees the customer a fluid experience from start to finish in the purchase journey.

Operating in the furniture and construction sector since 1973, the Madeiranit store chain is present in six Brazilian states with two distribution centers and more than 15 physical stores. With the online sales channel, which allows the brand to serve the entire country, Madeiranit offers more than 20 thousand items, including machines and electric tools, hardware, supplies and equipment in general for woodworking, decoration, gardening, organization, lighting and others. .

Despite already having an e-commerce on the air, Madeiranit’s new e-commerce project, developed by WEBJUMP, worked intensively on correction of bugs contained in the first sales site of the brand and focused its efforts in UX/UI Design, revamping the e-commerce and ensuring greater effectiveness to the project.


Two B2C e-commerce in the same Adobe Commerce framework
User experience redesign
End-to-end UX/UI Design
Madeiranit ERP Integration
Microservice integration for every business rule
Intelipost Integration
Login by CNPJ and CPF

Check out a preview of the Madeiranit e-commerce

Preview e-commerce Mockup e-commerce Madeiranit

Main features of Madeiranit e-commerce

Dois e-commerce B2C na mesma estrutura Adobe Commerce

Two B2C e-commerce in the same Adobe Commerce framework

In addition to the completely revamped Madeiranit e-commerce, the brand also took the opportunity to launch, within the same Adobe Commerce structure, the Singular Baby e-commerce, a brand within Cia do Móvel, a children’s furniture factory that is part of the woodnit.

User experience revamp

In order to offer a better experience to its users, Madeiranit’s new e-commerce underwent a complete redesign. The result: a much more intuitive and fluid website.

Repaginação da experiência do usuário
UX/ UI Design de ponta a ponta

End-to-end UX/UI Design

Revamped from end to end! Madeiranit’s new e-commerce was fully developed based on the concepts of UX/UI Design, ensuring better navigability, standardization of elements, faster loading, etc.

Madeiranit ERP Integration

Madeiranit’s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) was also integrated, a management system that interconnects all the company’s data and processes, favoring their analysis. By centralizing information on a single platform, ERP also facilitates communication between the company’s sectors and, consequently, helps in making more assertive decisions.

Integração ERP Madeiranit
Integração com microsserviço para toda regra de negócio

Microservice integration for every business rule

Complementing the ERP integration and responsible for managing and translating the business rules coming from the management system, Madeiranit also has its own microservice structure.

Intelipost Integration

Certainly logistics, and all that it encompasses, is a very sensitive topic for both retailers and consumers. In Madeiranit’s e-commerce, integration was carried out with Intelipost, a technology ecosystem for logistics management, which uses technologies for automating logistics processes to facilitate the management and visibility of operations. Intelipost also offers intelligent solutions at the lowest possible cost for the customer.

Integração Intelipost
Login por CNPJ e CPF

Login by CNPJ and CPF

E-commerce for end customer or retailer? In Madeiranit’s electronic commerce, both individuals (CPF) and legal entities (CNPJ) can make their purchases.

Find out the Madeiranit e-commerce

Mockup e-commerce Madeiranit